Schopenhauer, Arthur — Arthur Schopenhauer Kathleen M.Higgins Despite a recent surge of philosophical interest, Arthur Schopenhauer remains one of the most underappreciated philosophers of modern times. He has arguably had a greater influence on subsequent philosophy… … History of philosophy
Schopenhauer, Arthur — born Feb. 22, 1788, Danzig, Prussia died Sept. 21, 1860, Frankfurt am Main German philosopher. His father was a banker and his mother a novelist. He studied in several fields before earning his doctorate in philosophy. He regarded the Upanishads … Universalium
Schopenhauer, Arthur — (1788–1860) German philosopher. Born in Danzig of a rich, anglophile, and cosmopolitan family, Schopenhauer was educated in both France and Britain, and was fluent in European and classical languages. Initially intended for a career in business,… … Philosophy dictionary
SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR — a bold metaphysical thinker, born in Danzig, of Dutch descent; was early dissatisfied with life, and conceived pessimistic views of it; in 1814 jotted down in a note book, Inward discord is the very bane of human nature so long as a man lives … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Schopenhauer,Arthur — Scho·pen·hau·er (shōʹpən hou ər), Arthur. 1788 1860. German philosopher who believed that the will is the fundamental reality to which all knowledge and reason are subject, that following its dictates leads to illusion and suffering, and that the … Universalium
Schopenhauer, Arthur — ► (1788 1860) Filósofo alemán. Si bien su obra tardó mucho en ser apreciada, sus ideas, expuestas con brillante estilo literario, alcanzaron una gran popularidad a mediados del s. XIX. Su filosofía establece una voluntad universal y necesaria,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Schopenhauer, Arthur — (1788–1860) German philosopher … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur — (1788 1860) the first German and modern Western philosopher to draw upon Indian PHILOSOPHY for inspiration. Deeply pessimistic, he embraced the concept of MY and rejected all appeals to HISTORY as a basis for philosophy. A scathing critic of… … Concise dictionary of Religion
Schopenhauer — Schopenhauer, Arthur … Philosophy dictionary
Schopenhauer — Schopenhauer, Arthur … Enciclopedia Universal